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Roy's Bullpen

Booking Cattle

By March 6, 2025No Comments

Here is what happens at our end that people have no idea about.  Most of our presorted sales fill up. Well, at least they are booked full and then we cut off the bookings.  From there we put people on a waiting list, just in case someone who is already listed moves to another sale or changes their numbers. It works good for the most part. Most people know what they are doing.

What we are having confusion with, is people booking 200 head for example then only showing up with 120.  That leaves room for someone else with 80 head. Or two guys with 40 head each. Yes, they are on the waiting list, but by the time we know the 200 head guy shorted us, it is the day before the sale and those other two guys do not have enough notice to get ready. It is not fair to those two guys or us, is it? Now you add this little discrepancy to others that do the same thing or not show up at all and it adds up to be quite a shortage sometimes.

Now, the most frustrating part of this is, everyone gets a phone call from the girl at the auction market 5 or 6 days prior to the sale. She asks are you still coming in on Sunday? Are you still bringing 200 head?  If the answer is yes, she cannot phone anyone on the waiting list.

We understand that there are changes. Most people book a month or two in advance.  Then maybe closer to shipping time decide to keep more back for whatever reason. That is fine,  but we think that you should do that when the girl calls you to confirm your booking. We have time to work in other people in at that point. We do not need an exact number of cattle, but you should know within 10 head what you are bringing at that point. Some of our consignors know exactly. If they book 145 head,  that is what we get.

Some book 40 head and say yes when the girl confirms the booking, then cancel on Sunday. Some people have done this more than once. What should I do? Charge them for the same amount that they booked whether they bring them or not?  Or should I just wait until they finally do show up, and then explain to them that I didn’t think you would show so I booked other cattle in your place? Try again next week. Somehow, I don’t think that they would be as understanding as they expect me to be.

There would be no problem if everyone would just do what they say they are going to do within a few head. Most people are great. Maybe the others just do not understand the problems they cause by not doing what they said they were going to do. I think they just do not care until it costs them money.  In the meantime, I will just have to remind myself don’t get mad, just get even!

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